if you want to leave it private, or post it so anyone text messagte service can hear it. Facebook Live: if you have a Facebook group that you have worked on or a fan page with followers and you advertise through this channel, Facebook Live is a good option, as well as being free and it will allow you to leave the webinar recorded for all the people who access your text messagte service facebook group or fan page. Zoom: Finally, if you decide to have your own tool for these tasks, I recommend Zoom. It is a tool that is installed on the computer, which is widely used right now and that allows you text messagte service to carry out and access all the webinars very easily. Pros and cons of using a free webinar Advantages Using a free webinar will allow you to approach all potential clients,
advertising and use your database, it is a text messagte service very good way to publicize your product or service through this channel. It's a way to get closer to your a dience and make them feel like they know you, even if it's virtually. You will increase your list of leads to be able to work on them at the moment or in a future launch. Disadvantages: With the internet you are always exposed to failures, and we already know what Murphy's law is like, everything works text messagte service perfectly for you until just one day you need nothing to fail and that is when it fails. The good part is that you can always choose different options, so if you have a plan B, you have nothing to fear. People are easily text messagte service distracted, so you have to keep your users
there are always other things that keep text messagte service many people from attending. To do this, make several reminders through all the channels you have: email marketing, whatsapp, facebook groups... If you have come this far, you will be more than clear that free webinars are a resource that I totally recommend in your marketing strategy to attract text messagte service customers and grow your business.15 de abril | Por Juan Merodio Antes de hablar de ejemplos de negocios escalables con éxito, me gustaría definir qué son en realidad, aclarar en qué consisten y por qué están funcionando tan bien. Cuando hablamos de un modelo de negocio escalable nos estamos refiriendo a negocios que, sin tener que invertir más recursos o emplear más tiempo